
Easter & Anniversarys...

We spent Easter weekend in SG. We also celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary that weekend; Friday April 10th (1993)!! SIXTEEN YEARS!!! woot woot!!!

Saturday we went to the Robinson (Rio's mom's) family picnic and Easter egg hunt (this is a big family thing that happens every year). It was held at the new middle school because it was cold & rainy that day; it's normally held at Santa Clara park.

Sunday was warmer & sunny so we took Tessa & Colton out riding 4 wheelers...tons of fun out in the red dirt of Dixie! Bringing the 4 wheelers is how we talked Colton (ok...bribed) into coming with us to SG. Ever since he rolled my 4 wheeler out riding with Rio last year he is pretty cautious & a little afraid; but he had a good time. Tessa loved it as always!

Tessa waiting anxiously to get started riding!

Rio & Tessa...heading out!


Colton, Tessa, Me.

Monday we headed home. We had a nice time visiting family and being in SG but it was very stressful weekend too.

Tyler did not want to come with us (as usual) but we would not allow him to stay at our home by himself (our boys lost that privelage due to their bad choices & past behaviors when left there alone).

Tyler was miserable & after he "tattled" to his biological father on Friday; as we were trying to pack up the car to leave; that we had "kicked him out of the house"; his biological father called me to rip me a new one. It was not a pleasant conversation; lots of yelling & nasty things said & then he threatened to call DCFS. Tyler will be 18 next month..I mean seriouslydoes DCFS care if we leave him with a friend for the weekend? I was crying by the time my ex hung up on me so Rio called him back & ripped him a new one...even nastier things were said & it was not pleasant at all.

Tyler was really not happy after he went to our house later on Friday night & realized that we had locked everything (doors & windows) & he really couldn't get into the house (we knew he would try). So an already stressful day turned into a stressful weekend as he texted me about having no where to go (he had already told us he was staying at a friends), no vehicle to drive (he lost that privelage too) & that he would have to sleep outside. If anything; he is good at manipulation but we held firm. I told him to go to my dad or my brothers (they both live close). We knew he wouldn't do that & that he would end up back with his friends.

On Saturday morning at 2:00 am I got a call that he had been caught shoplifting (2nd time in 2 weeks). I had to call my brother to go get him; afterwords I figured that I should have just let them send him to DT for the weekend...maybe it would teach him a lesson!

He ended up being extremely miserable not being able to go home; where he is comfortable; and sleep in his own bed, etc. By late Sunday we agreed he could go home & stay at home that night but that if we discovered that any friends had been there while we were gone then he was out.

We got home Monday & had a talk with him...some decisions need to be made (see previous post) & changes must happen sooner rather than later! So many messes he has created for himself...so many decisions to make.

Love him to death & hoping for the best as he barrels toward adulthood (May 11th he will be 18)!

TGIF!!!!! Sorry if I ramble in my posts...so much on my mind!!!!!!!

Full house vs. Empty Nest

-114 lbs lost; 4 lbs under goal weight...amazing considering my out of control frapuccino and Peanut Butter M&M habits!

My ankle STILL HURTS from when I stepped off the curb at the gym almost a month ago and twisted it...I need it to stop hurting so I can get back to the gym. I need a whole bunch more energy & motivation too so that I can get back to the gym...haha! 20 year reunion in June...that should be motivation enough dontcha think?

"Should they stay or should they go"?...
Tyler has a tough decision to make...whether to move to SG this weekend & finish the school year down there; away from certain "influences"; or stay here & hope that he is strong enough to what needs to be done. Either way he has alot of work ahead of him the next 4-6 weeks in order to make it to graduation. We have left the decision up to him; there are many factors to consider...we will see what happens. Tyler will be 18 in less than a month & it's time for him to face the music & clean up the messes he has created the past 6 months or so. We are here to support him & love him no matter what...but it's time for him to grow up & take responsibility for his actions & his choices.

Colton doesn't get to make the decision; we are making it for him. We are looking into places he can go this summer to get help with his "addictions". His name was drawn to attend Tuacahn High School in St. George for 9th grade. Tuacahn is a High School for the Performing Arts. Of course he doesn't want to move away from his friends but his continued bad choices & decline in grades are forcing our hand. My mom wants him to come live with her & attend Tuacahn; it's a wonderful opportunity for him & he loves Art (drawing, creating, etc.) & could go into Graphic Art Design & even act in the plays if he chooses to do so. This has been a tough decision for us but we feel this is best for him.

The past few years have been difficult but the past 6-10 months have been agonizing! Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that being a parent would be this difficult. There are not enough words to express how much we have struggled, how many tears have been shed, sleepless nights, looking for solutions, seeking advice, etc., etc., etc...

I know we aren't the first or the last parents to go through this & thank goodness Rio & I have each other! Alot could change around our house soon with both boys gone. It will be a blessing with less chaos, less stress, etc. but it will also be to our detriment because no matter how bad things have gotten we still love them so much & will miss them like crazy!

I had a call today from a Coach Keen; football coach at Snow College. We sent one of Tyler's recruiting DVD's there & he called to say he was impressed & wants Tyler to come to their walk on tryouts next month. Tyler has already been accepted to Dixie but we never heard from the football coaches down there so maybe this will be a good opportunity. More decisions to be made & more hard work for Tyler as he is very out of shape since football ended & he has taken up other recreational habits. We will see...


Moms in the Morning & Pa-donk-ee-o

-113 lbs; 3 lbs under goal weight & holding steady despite my 2 frapuccino's a day & my handful of Peanut Butter M&M's each day...my guilty pleasures!

This morning I went to Tessa's school for "Mom's in the Morning". We took some bean bags, a blanket, books & snacks & huddled in the hallways with other moms/kids & read books. Tessa sat through it ok for about 15 minutes then just wanted to socialize with her classmates; especially a little boy in her class named Kayden who seems to have a crush on her & has tried to kiss her (so she says)! Ah young love...lol! We keep telling her she can't kiss boys until she is 29!

Tessa LOVES movies & has a very extensive collection of DVD's. Whenever she gets a new one it is her favorite for weeks on end & she will watch it over & over & over! A few weeks ago we saw Pinocchio at Walmart. It came with a little stuffed Jiminy Cricket (Tessa loves all things stuffed!). We bought it but for some reason she didn't want to watch it...probably just wanted the stuff toy. Rio finally convinced her to watch it a week or so ago & now it's her favorite (for the time being). She constantly wants to watch "Pa-donk-ee-o"...so funny when she says that. No matter how many times we tell her the correct way to say it she still says it that way. She is a funny girl...we get a kick out of her.

Tessa has been very emotional lately; she cries over every little thing. Flashing before my eyes are scenes of future days with an emotionally charged teenage girl & I can't help but hope that the emotional stuff girls go through isn't really starting this early! I keep thinking that as a female I should be more sympathetic to female emotions but I find that I have no patience for it at all...lol! Can't wait to see what's in store as she gets older.

The "teenagers" (Tyler & Colton) continue on paths that worry us immensly. We are at a point where we don't know what to do. It's not like they are awful kids, but they are doing stupid things! Tyler will be 18 next month...I guess it's time to let him do what he is going to do & hope that he knows we are here for him if/when he needs us.

Colton is another story all together. He is such a loving kid & I think he really wants to be good & do the right things but he's caught up in the age of trying things & peer pressure. We are considering sending him to school somewhere else next year...so many decisions to make & it's heartbreaking sometimes; as a parent; to constantly wonder if we are doing the right thing. There is nothing we wouldn't do for our children; we love them so much; but they push the limits & it's getting tougher & tougher.

My husband is a ROCK! He is what keeps me sane (although my sanity is questionable at any given moment)!! I couldn't do any of this without him & I am so thankful every minute of every day to have him in my life! Next week will be our 16 year anniversary!!! I love him more than I ever have!

Can't wait to go to SG next weekend for Easter & hope that it's warm down there. I am so sick of the cold weather, the snow & rain! It's supposed to be SPRING for crying out loud!