Alot of birthdays recently! Rio turned 39! Tyler turned 17! Colton turned 13! All 3 birthdays are within 11 days so we had a b-b-que a few weekends ago for all of them. It was fun!
On 4/29/08 I gave my notice to my employer that I would be leaving; my last day is tomorrow. I am going to stay home with my kids (God help us all!) and work on providing more structure and instilling some better habits for my children. Colton especially has struggled with 7th grade; his ADHD and learning disabilities making it even more difficult for him. We decided that he also could not have another unsupervised summer of sleeping all day (while we are at work) and staying up all night (because we are in bed early so we can go to work). I think all three of my children will benefit by having me home but I hope to spend alot of time with Colton working on changing some bad habits and instilling some new, better habits before the next school year.
Tessa is very excited that she gets to stay home with mommy! She is excited to have play dates with her friends and to just be at home. I'm sure she will miss Auntie Elka, Jaeger, Gauge and even uncle Brad, but since they live right up the street I'm sure we will see them plenty and get to spend some quality time with them too!
We have a very busy summer coming up with summer camps, dance lessons, weight training for the boys for football, football camps and a week or two of summer school. We need to finish planting the garden and then get ready for some major canning (SALSA!) in the next few months. The garden and the canning are new for us so we will see how it goes. I have plans to paint some rooms in the house and to help (or just nag) Rio to get our unfinished remodeling projects completed this year! We have been remodeling for FIVE years now!!! It's time to get it done!
We are traveling to Oregon in July for my little sisters wedding and we have three family reunions coming up as well; not sure how many of those we will be able to make it to. One is in Canada, one is in New Mexico and one in St. George. In August we will travel to Ohio to watch Tyler and the JHS Football team play in a tournament that will be televised on ESPN. FUN, FUN, FUN!
I have mixed feelings about leaving my job. I don't hate my job but I don't love it either...and like everyone else; I want to LOVE what I am doing! I appreciate and acknowledge that I do better with the structure of having to be at work everyday than I do with having free time on my hands. I intend to create structure and a schedule for all of us at home starting next week. I will also be learning to do cabinet layouts on the computer so I can help Rio with his workload.
I also intend to get my butt in gear and start working out on a regular basis. Rio and I are planning on doing it together. The weight loss will slow down soon and I have alot of work to do to reach my goal and to tone and tighten everything up! I have about six weeks until the wedding, at which I am the maid of honor, and I need to tone up some areas so I will look decent in my dress! :-)
I am excited and nervous about the changes in my life...being home with the kids all the time will be a challenge and I hope I can do it! Going from two incomes to one, double insurance coverage to only one's all a little nerve racking!
Here are a few recents pictures of the kids...
Tessa at a dance performance at Wheeler Farm.
I am so thankful for all the blessing I have in my life everyday! My husband is the most wonderful man I have ever known and his love and support mean the world to me.
Wish me luck and check back often for updates!